Convogrid as a novel and groundbreaking platform in the digital realm, differentiated from GPT and similar

The Common Misconception

In our investor pitches, a recurring question arises: “You are like GPT or GPTs? Isn’t it?” It’s a common startup challenge, being compared to known entities. We’ve encountered a spectrum of such comparisons since the inception of Convogrid in 2019. They thought we were:

  • A talking Google search, offering instant answers (Yes! This was long before ChatGPT was a reality)
  • A chatbot platform which just create a chatbot (drag and drop bot creation platform or complex bot creation platform which churns out generic automated responses as per their experience),
  • A CRM solution like HubSpot which handles chats for businesses with customer information (here they misunderstood the conversational context memory with the customer information in CRMs),
  • A clone of GPT itself last year (because we are automating conversations for better scalability)
  • And now, with the emergence of GPTs, they think we’re mirroring its functionality, since we too create and share conversations.

Each of these comparisons, while not accurate, has helped sharpen the understanding of what Convogrid truly is. It’s a journey of clarifying our unique identity in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Each assumption has led to more clarity about our unique identity. We’ve always shared the same message, but at different times, people have interpreted it through their own lens, assuming we’re just a thin wrapper around familiar concepts they already know. There’s a prevailing belief that Convogrid is just a thin wrapper around ChatGPT, merely using GPT to convert content into conversations. This simplification misses the essence of our vision. Convogrid is much more than a tool that leverages generative AI. Our journey and aspirations go beyond what GPT alone can offer.

Contrarian Question

Yet, we are delighted to be pioneering Convogrid, a concept still growing in understanding and futurism. It resonates profoundly with Peter Thiel’s contrarian query in ‘Zero to One’: ‘What important truth do very few people agree with you on?’

At Convogrid, we firmly believe in a future where people and organizations synergize and collaborate rather than compete, sharing the conversations that propel their daily lives, whether in business or personal realms. This vision, though embraced by a selected few like our insightful and visionary investor since 2019, was often seen as too futuristic, with predictions stretching as far as 2050 and the expectation that only major players could achieve it. Yet, this very notion stands as a testament to the contrarian question – a belief in a collaborative, conversation-driven future that we at Convogrid are passionately bringing to life.

Our Journey since 2019

Let’s delve into the heart of what makes Convogrid distinct. Our platform indeed utilizes GPT, but we’re not solely dependent on it. We have our own in-house solutions and a broader vision. This vision has been part of our roadmap since the inception of Convogrid in 2017, and we’ve always known that our goals were achievable well before 2030.

Our anticipation of the market shift was reinforced by OpenAI’s 2018 publication, “Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training.” This landmark development in AI not only aligned with but also validated our trajectory. It enabled a wider understanding and acceptance of the kind of technological innovation we were pursuing.

Today, being compared to GPTs rather than being seen as a mere AI-powered Google Search clone is a welcome change. It indicates a closer, though not yet complete, understanding of Convogrid’s true nature and potential.

Our Vision

Convogrid еnvisions a futurе whеrе all forms of digital convеrsations – from human chats on social mеdia to intеractions with chatbots across platforms likе Alеxa, Google Assistant, Web sites, WhatsApp and other social media, which is created by different platforms like GPT, , HubSpot, Drift, Ada, IBM Watson, Googlе Dialogflow, and many othеr bot creation platforms – convеrgе in onе unifiеd spacе.

Our goal is to crеatе a platform whеrе thеsе divеrsе conversations comе togеthеr, sharing contеxt and insights, to offеr usеrs a sеamlеss, cohеsivе, unified convеrsational еxpеriеncе. Wе’rе building a world whеrе еvеry chat, rеgardlеss of its origin, collaboratеs to sеrvе and enhance еach unique user journеy.

Our Unique Mission

At the heart of Convogrid lies a mission that transcends beyond just technological innovation. We are dedicated to empowering real connections and genuine conversations in the digital realm, starting with content creators.

Our aim is to elevate the art of conversation, ensuring that every voice, from the emerging blogger to the seasoned YouTuber, finds their rightful place and value in an increasingly automated world. This journey begins with those who shape our digital narratives, offering them the tools and platform to engage more meaningfully with their audience.

Our initial focus on the domain of content creators stems from our own experiences as creators. We intimately understand the modern content creator’s struggle navigating a landscape overrun with repetitive and uninspiring content that creates a deafening noise, making it challenging for authentic, real voices to be heard and recognized.

For content creators, the challenges are manifold, ranging from overwhelming presence of AI-generated content to content marketing hurdles (to get the reach). At Convogrid, we zero in on critical issues faced by content creators:

  • Building an initial audience swiftly,
  • Comprehending the needs and preferences of the early audience,
  • Cultivating a genuinely engaged following,
  • Safeguarding the authenticity and intellectual property of their content work, and
  • Facilitating the monetization of their content in conversations.

Convogrid empowers creators to derive real value from their human conversations, enabling them to earn for each message exchanged. There are real humans behind these conversations and we give value to those human conversations.

The alignment with content creators in our current mission is intentional, driven by our commitment to deliver significant value to a focused group that truly needs our assistance and believes in our vision.

Understanding the Landscape: Content Creation and AI in Today’s Market

The world of content creation is vast and still expanding. Approximately 200 million individuals identify as creators, and they fall into various categories:

  • Recreational (0–1K followers): 23 million
  • Semi-Pro (1–10K followers): 139 million
  • Pro (10K–100K followers): 41 million
  • Expert (100K–1 million followers): 2 million
  • Expert+ (over 1 million followers): 2 million

For many, it remains a side hustle rather than a full-time career. This rapidly growing market, with its diverse range of creators, is full of potential, but it also presents significant challenges for creators.

The Scale of the Creator Economy

  • Globally, the influencer market has surged to $21 billion in 2023.
  • Platforms like OnlyFans boast over 2.1 million creators.

Yet, The Financial Realities

  • A staggering 97.5% of YouTubers don’t earn enough to cross the U.S. poverty line.
  • Ad revenues for creators dipped by 33% during COVID-19.
  • Half of the consumers now use ad-blocking technology, complicating traditional monetization methods.

Aspirations and Achievements

  • A quarter of American kids aspire to be social media influencers.
  • Moreover, 16% are willing to pay to become an influencer.
  • Only about 35,000 YouTube channels have crossed the 1 million subscribers mark.
  • On platforms like Instagram and Twitch, only a small fraction below 3.5% of users have substantial (more than 100,000) followings.

Economic Projections

  • Content creators earned a baseline of $5.5 billion across nine platforms in 2022, with YouTube, Etsy, Instagram and WordPress leading the earnings.
  • The creator economy is projected to reach an astounding $480 billion by 2027.

This rapidly growing market, with its vast potential and inherent challenges, sets the stage for innovative solutions.

Convogrid’s Focused Approach

At Convogrid, we’re deeply attuned to the challenges and opportunities within the creator economy.

Right now, our focus is on major content platforms such as YouTube, WordPress, Medium, and LinkedIn, which collectively hold a significant portion of the content economy. These platforms not only encourage vibrant conversations but also demand authenticity and the protection of intellectual property.

Our mission goes beyond mere innovation; it’s about redefining the creator economy:

  • Empowering the Majority: Convogrid is dedicated to aiding recreational, semi-pro, and pro content creators, who form over 98% of the global 200 million creators, in their journey to becoming expert and expert+ level creators. Our platform provides targeted tools and resources to elevate their earning potential and audience reach.
  • Cultivating True Fans: Just like on OnlyFans, we assist creators in building and nurturing a genuine fan base that values and pays premium for their content.
  • Protecting Creators’ Rights: We fiercely advocate for the safeguarding of intellectual property rights, ensuring that creators’ original content remains authentic and protected. In a landscape where AI-generated content is prevalent, we advocate for content creators to establish unique identities and create original content, which ultimately leads to building a loyal follower base that values genuineness and originality.
  • Monetizing Conversations: By opening new and innovative revenue streams, we enable content creators to monetize their work through engaging conversations.
  • Creating a Creator-Driven Ecosystem: At Convogrid, our goal extends beyond mere functionality. We aim to connect conversations across various platforms, fostering a creator economy rooted in community, synergy, and collaboration. By doing so, we stay true to our ultimate vision of creating a unified conversational space. We believe in collaboration over competition, envisioning a future where diverse voices and conversations synergize to enrich the digital experience of the next generation for all.
  • Revolutionizing Ad Revenue: At Convogrid, we’re pioneering non-intrusive, conversational ads that blend seamlessly into the user’s conversational experience. Our innovative approach enhances ad revenue for creators without disrupting the audience’s enjoyment. These ads are designed to be engaging and interactive, eliminating the need for ad blockers altogether, which can significantly cut down creators’ ad revenues. By doing so, we ensure that these ads are a welcome part of the user experience, offering value to both creators and their audiences.

As we advance, Convogrid is poised to reshape the creator-consumer dynamic, offering a platform that’s as rewarding for creators as it is engaging for consumers. Our focus is on delivering a unique and unified experience that resonates with the evolving preferences of next-generation content consumers. This understanding of the changing digital landscape drives us forward, ensuring that Convogrid remains at the forefront of the creator economy.

Our Progress

Now, let’s explore the real-world impact of Convogrid through the experiences of those who’ve embraced our vision.

Shenelle Rodrigo & Shehaan Thahir, Social Media Ambassadors, Sri Lanka Tourism

Here’s what the owners of the renowned YouTube channel Sheneller, by Shehaan Thahir and Shenelle Rodrigo, passionate travel vloggers from Sri Lanka, have to say about their experience with Convogrid:

“Signing up and working with Convogrid has been an absolute breeze. The ability to have all our YouTube videos indexed and now easily referred to by our viewers adds an unexpected depth to our content. The Convogrid team is incredibly responsive in rolling out new features and understanding the needs of creators like us, making them ideal partners for integrating AI into our content creation business.”

Signing up and working with Convogrid has been an absolute breeze and the ability to have all our YouTube videos indexed and now easily referred to by all our viewers is an additional layer of depth to our content offering that we never thought possible before. - Shenelle Rodrigo & Shehaan Thahir- Social Media Ambassadors Sri Lanka Tourism

Nethila Nimsath, Founder of Marspreneurs, Young Entrepreneur | Coach | Public Speaker | Personal Branding Expert

Additionally, we’re proud to support emerging talents like Nethila Nimsath, a 14-year-old revolutionizing entrepreneurship among kids internationally. Nethila’s feedback speaks volumes:

“As a 14-year-old, Convogrid treated me with respect and support I hadn’t found elsewhere. Their unwavering dedication not only helped me gain an additional 1000 subscribers but also boosted my watch hours by an impressive 3500 through their innovative platform and browser extension. Convogrid truly understands and caters to the needs of content creators, pushing us toward our goals. They are an invaluable ally in the content creation landscape.”

Nethila Nimsath, Founder of Marspreneurs, Young Entrepreneur | Coach | Public Speaker | Personal Branding Expert

Other content creators from Australia, Germany (like, and Singapore are also expressing interest in joining Convogrid.

The enthusiasm and positive feedback from content creators like Shenelle, Shehaan, and Nethila are just the beginning of our journey at Convogrid. Their stories are a testament to the transformative impact we are making in the realm of content creation and audience engagement. As we continue to onboard creators from diverse backgrounds and geographies, we’re not just growing; we’re leading a paradigm shift in how content interacts with audiences globally. This momentum propels us forward, fueling our drive to innovate and expand our reach.

A Call to Visionary Investors

As Convogrid pioneers a new era in content creation and audience engagement, we are actively seeking visionary investors who recognize the untapped potential in our innovative approach and unique trajectory. Our journey is marked by bold steps into what many might deem unimaginable. If you are inspired by our mission and see the transformative possibilities of our platform, we warmly invite you to join us in this exciting venture. For investment opportunities and to discuss how we can collectively shape the future of digital interactions, please reach out to us at

Join Us on Our Journey

As Convogrid continues to redefine the landscape of content creation and audience engagement, we welcome visionary investors who see the potential in our unique trajectory and innovative approach. If our journey resonates with you and you’re excited about what seems unimaginable, we invite you to connect with us at

We’re also expanding our team and looking for passionate individuals in B2C marketing, content marketing, social media management, content creation, and experience development on Convogrid. Whether you’re seeking a full-time position, part-time engagement, or an equity-based collaboration, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at to explore opportunities.

For those keen on staying updated with our progress and insights, subscribe to our newsletter and follow our LinkedIn page. Be part of a community that’s shaping the future of content interaction.

Together, let’s create a world where conversations drive meaningful connections.

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